The day has finally arrived- CupcakeCamp NYC is tonight! Before you head out to stuff yourself silly with cupcakes, here are a few things to remember:
1.) The whole point of the event is to eat cupcakes. So, if you signed up to bring some, please do so and don't flake out. If everyone takes this approach, CupcakeCamp will be cupcake-less. And for those of you that hadn't planned to bring any from the get go, we strongly encourage you to pick up a dozen on your way over. If everyone does this, we'll have over 2,000 cupcakes! And that means more for you to enjoy.
2.) Everyone bringing cupcakes should arrive by 7:15 so we can register your cakes.
3.) YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD TO ATTEND. The event is taking place at a bar - no exceptions to the age restriction can be granted.
4.) Have fun. If everyone who has signed up to bring cupcakes ACTUALLY follows through, the numbers work out to about 2 to 3 cupcakes per person (hence the reason it will be more fun if EVERYONE brings something to contribute). This isn't a guarantee though. Over 250 people have RSVP'd, so please keep in mind that your cup may not overfloweth with cupcake goodness.
5.) Tip your bartenders - Happy Ending did us a major favor by letting us hold the event at their bar, so show them some love.
See you all tonight!

Mary Ann, I am *SO* excited about attending tonight. Thanks for managing and putting it all together so that we may enjoy cupcake greatness :)
It was sooo much fun!! Thanks for a great night!!